Would you like to share your knowledge and expertise in a particular subject area relevant to PALTC?

AMDA – The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine invites you to submit webinar proposals for our Webinar Series. The Society webinars are interactive educational events, occurring on weekday afternoons or evenings, offering attendees CME, ABIM MOC, and CMD credit for participation.

The Society is currently accepting 30-minute and 60-minute webinar proposals.
• 30-Minute Webinar (A narrow topic, specific issue or innovative idea, thought leader or expert interview)
• 60-Minute Webinar (A timely topic or emerging issue with audience interaction, such as live Q&A, panel discussion, case study)

Target Audience
Medical directors, attending physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses, practice managers, administrators, consultant pharmacists and other professionals practicing in the PALTC continuum.

Educational Need
The Society welcomes proposals on all topics pertinent to PALTC setting. An emphasis is being placed on skill-based, practical, and innovative proposals that incorporate interactive learning strategies and provide attendees with resources to implement upon return to practice. Based on the latest educational needs analysis conducted by the Society, the following topics have been identified as areas of focus:

– Advocacy
– Advanced medical direction
– Avoiding provider burnout
– Billing and Coding
– Communication strategies/conflict resolution (patients, staff, leadership, and/or families)
– Controversial clinical practices (point-counterpoint format)
– Crisis Management
– Equity, inclusion, and anti-racism in PALTC
– Infection control
– Managing residents with dementia or mental illness
– QAPI (projects, tools, implementation)
– Optimizing medication use in PALTC residents
– Risk management
– Staffing (recruiting, retention, training)
– Telehealth
– Value-based medicine

Examples of Webinar Types
• Detailed examination of a niche topic from a fresh angle (Suggested Length: 30-Minutes)
• Example-driven “how-to” tutorial (Suggested Length: 30-Minute or 60-Minutes)
• Industry thought leader interview (Suggested Length: 30-Minutes)
• Interactive/Skill-Building Discussion (Suggested Length: 60-Minutes)
• Panel discussion of a timely issue in PALTC (Suggested Length: 60-Minutes)

How to Submit
Click the button to submit a webinar proposal.

The Society accepts webinar proposals throughout the year. The planning committee reviews webinar proposals on an ongoing basis. Proposal submitters will receive an email notification after the review process is complete.

Please contact Linda Lang at llang@paltc.org.